“The pandemic has changed the world in many unprecedented ways. We are now moving into a new world where the
“The pandemic has changed the world in many unprecedented ways. We are now moving into a new world where the
To answer these questions, Teknikföretagens Branschgrupper, where TMAS has it’s secretariat, now offers a series of short webinars (in Swedish)
In March 2021 TMAS member imogo will perform the first ever commercial Dye-Max installation at 7H Dyehouse in Sweden. From
For just over ten years, the Swedish technology company Coloreel has developed a pioneering technology that enables high-quality digital dyeing
TMAS now invites its members to the digital seminar series “International Business Come back” arranged by Make Trade, an association
In Knitting Industry you can read an interesting interview where Adrian Wilson talks to TMAS member imogo founding partners Ellinor
This was the question Joakim Staberg, founder of Coloreel, one of the newest companies to join TMAS – the Swedish
Global player With its global headquarters in St Louis, Missouri, and its product and technology centre in Arlöv, Sweden, Baldwin
To support our members TMAS regularly arrange training sessions on different themes. Therefore TMAS gathered our members for a digital
“Many European companies have been forced into testing new working methods and looking at what it’s possible to do remotely,