A warm welcome to the TMAS spring meeting on Wednesday to Thursday, May 7-8, at Grand Hotel in Halmstad, Sweden.
When summer is around the corner, TMAS members will meet in Halmstad for a study visit, discussions on current topics and formal meetings.
The deadline for registration or adjustments to the booking is April 2.
Wednesday, May 7, from 14.00
- 14.00-16.00 Study visit to Albany International
- 16.00 Check in time, Grand Hotel
- 17.30 Discussions on current topics round the table
- 19.00 Dinner
Thursday, May 8, until 13.30
- 08.00-09.00 Check out time
- 09.00 Formal meetings
– Board meeting Swedish Textile Machinery Association Service AB
– General meeting Swedish Textile Machinery Association Service AB - 11.00 Coffe break
- 11.15. Board meeting TMAS association
- 12.00 Lunch
- 13.00 Board meetings
– Constituent board meeting TMAS association
– Constituent board meeting Swedish Textile Machinery Association Service AB - 13.30 Ends